Hello I had a surgery today, It's only I got my wisdom teeth removed, yup all four of. I need this for the other surgery where they match my jaw (my lower jaw is wayyyyyyyyyy back and hella tilted) most of the time I just move it forward with my jaw muscles, so that I don't look weird. The surgery was kind of surreal, like you really just get in there and wake up later, I don't even remember sleeping. Last thing they told me is to think of something good, I said I would be thinking of my comic, SPEAKING OF WHICH!
Yeah the next release is almost out, so far I finished 8 pages out of 10, however I might add an extra page due to a passing issue, and also I will be taking a bit of a break, because my whole mouth hurts, and I don't work well when I'm hungry. I can't eat anything hot even, it has to be cold and soft, at least until tomorrow I've been eating ice cream , never thought I would dislike such a thing. I want some of that Harees and Tharid they looks disgusting, but they taste amazing, you have to try it. It depends on who makes it though, it's made best by like old grandmas or restaurants owned by the daughters of the grandmas.
... I read a bit of the Wikipedia page about Tharid, yeah um..... don't. it gets weirdly religious. There isn't even a recipe....
Oh yeah also like I tried adding more panels per page, whenever there is mostly talking...
anyways here's one page of the coming release. consider it a bonus :3 I was gonna post something more nsfw but i haven't made any :p
There is definitely a problem with the depth pass, basically I didn't activate it until half way through, when i was getting frustrated with why they didn't look very good, and it looked too cluttered, and things in the foreground are hard to tell from the background. I fixed it for the fight scene.