It's been almost a month since the last upload of Forever Sophie. I have been trying my beast to work on Chapter 4, I have the passion for it, I want to work on it so badly, but sadly I have been overwhelmed by work and college. I think it will be like this for a while until I finish my late assigments on time.
As for the thing I was able to make
1 Goblin leader
just one model out of 4 new models I have planned for this chapter.
I still have to make the enviorment.
The good thing is that the enviorment isn't as complicated as Chapter 3 so it won't be that big of a problem for me, once I set everything up it's basically smooth sailing.
I'm sorry things have been slow, and I have to tell you it will be like this for a little bit more.
Quarl Do what you do at whatever speed you need to!
You may be right. It does give me more time to think about the story